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Results for "keyword: "prejudice""
Memorial Day for Sacco and Vanzetti (PDP) Reflections on a controversial case that signaled America's growing gap between the privileged and the powerless.
Birthday of Paul Robeson Remembering the multi-talented artist who took stands against racism and for black liberation.
Let There be Peace An entreaty for peace in all the places of brokenness.
A Sacred Sun of Awareness Advice on how to overcome our prejudices and tame our ego.
Responding to Religious Customs An invitation to remove harmful religious customs from your life and to include the beneficial ones.
Glimpsing and Abiding Ideas for how to practice being awake and aware.
A Prayer for When I Feel Rejected A prayer for LGBT people and any others who feel excluded, rejected, marginalized, shamed, or persecuted, in any way or in any place, religious or otherwise.
Meditating on Difference Holding a meditation and conversation about the stereotypes and messages that impact us.
Birthday of Maggie Kuhn (PDP) Celebrating the pioneering work and accomplishments of the founder of the Gray Panthers (1972), a network of older people dedicated to fighting ageism.
Getting to Know Your Prejudices Suggestions for reflecting on your prejudices and talking to someone about whom you hold a prejudice.